Diaverum Chalkida

العمل الإثنين من 06:00

عرض ساعات الجلسات العلاجية


Stiron Str, 2
341-00 Calcis,

عرض الموقع على الخريطة


+30-2221020160, +30-22210 23893

البريد الإلكتروني


المرافق والخدمات العلاجية الرئيسية

  • التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)
  • برنامج دياڤيرم للعطلات
  • وجبات ومرطبات

Medical Director

Panagiota Tsatsani

تصفح قائمة أخصائي الرعاية
الوصول إلى العيادة

الإتجاهات من

معذرةً، لم نتمكن من تحديث تفاصيل المسافة
استخدم مخطط جوجل للرحلة

عن العيادة

At Diaverum, we offer our patients consistently high standards of care in every one of our clinics worldwide. While our care excellence, based on a highly standardised approach, drives superior medical outcomes, we also know the importance of empowering patients, their families, and caregivers. Our True care culture delivers a holistic renal care experience, including a warm & friendly atmosphere in our clinics to ensure our patients can regain their strength both physically and emotionally. 

At Diaverum, we passionately believe that everyone deserves a fulfilling life. That's why we are dedicated to enhancing the lives of renal patients, holding our True care culture at the heart of everything we do. 

In addition, we know that taking a holiday can be an important part of enjoying life. This can feel like a significant challenge if you need to have regular treatments, such as dialysis, which is why we have created d.HOLIDAY, our holiday dialysis programme. Patients who wish to travel to Greece or anywhere else in the world can do so with complete confidence that their continuity of care is ensured. 

The Diaverum Chalkis clinic has been part of Diaverum since 2024 and offers 20 dialysis stations. 

About Chalkis: 

Chalkis, also called Chalkida, is the main city of the island of Evia. It is known for the unique phenomenon where the waters of the Evripos Strait change direction four to six times a day, and offers a historical & cultural journey. Visitors can see the old Karababas Castle, well-known Byzantine churches, and buildings from the neoclassical period, which all together show a rich history of architecture. The High Bridge of Evia, connecting the island with Central Greece, is also a notable landmark. Evia boasts a diverse landscape of nature and charming villages within a short distance from Chalkida. Highlights include Eretria, Mount Dirfi, the Agali Gorge, and the pristine beaches along the coastline, offering various options for short or longer getaways. 

ساعات الجلسات العلاجية

الإثنين, الأربعاء, الجمعة

06:00 21:00

الثلاثاء, الخميس, السبت

06:00 16:00

الجلسات العلاجية

التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)


التنقية الصفاقية (غسيل الكلى البريتوني)


برنامج دياڤيرم للعطلات


زراعة الكلى


مرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)


مرضى التهاب الكبد ب


مرضى التهاب الكبد سي


المرافق والخدمات

محطات غسيل الكلى


وجبات ومرطبات


شاشات تلفزيون


واي فاي مجاني


مواصلات مجانية


مواقف مجانية للسيارات


فريق العيادة

Panagiota Tsatsani

Medical Director

Georgia Niarchou

Head Nurse