NZOZ Diaverum w Sanoku

العمل الإثنين من 07:00

عرض ساعات الجلسات العلاجية


ul. 800-lecia 26
38-500 Sanok,

عرض الموقع على الخريطة


+48 13 465 62 17

البريد الإلكتروني

المرافق والخدمات العلاجية الرئيسية

  • التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)
  • برنامج دياڤيرم للعطلات

Medical director

Stanisław Dzimira MD

تصفح قائمة أخصائي الرعاية
الوصول إلى العيادة

الإتجاهات من

معذرةً، لم نتمكن من تحديث تفاصيل المسافة
استخدم مخطط جوجل للرحلة

عن العيادة

At Diaverum, we offer our patients consistently high standards of care in every one of our clinics worldwide. While our care excellence, based on a highly standardized approach, drives superior medical outcomes, we also know the importance of truly empowering patients, their families and caregivers. Our empathetic culture delivers a holistic renal care experience, as well as a warm and friendly atmosphere to ensure our patients can regain their strength both physically and emotionally.

We passionately believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life. That's why we are dedicated to enhancing the lives of renal patients, holding our true care culture at the heart of everything we do.

The Diaverum clinic in Sanok has been part of Diaverum since 2007 and offers 21 dialysis stations.


Telephone: +48 13 465 62 17, +48 13 463 00 14

Opening hours:

Tuesday - Friday 07:00 – 14:00


Address: Brzozów, Ks. J. Bielawskiego 18 Str.

Telephone: +48 13 465 62 17, +48 13 463 00 14

Opening hours:

Friday 12:00 – 14:00

At Diaverum, we are dedicated to helping our patients live as normally as possible. This can feel like a big challenge if you need to have regular treatments, such as dialysis, which is why we have set up our d.HOLIDAY programme. We know that taking a holiday can be an important part of enjoying life. Patients, who wish to travel, to do so with complete confidence, either in Poland or in the rest of the world.

About Sanok:

One of the oldest and largest cities in the Subcarpathian voivodeship, Sanok is picturesquely situated on the San River, in the proximity of the Słonne Mountains and the Bukowskie Foothills. One of the major urban areas in the south-eastern outskirts of the region, Sanok features numerous historical landmarks. It has retained a medieval urban layout. The old parts of the town are located on a steep hill, with the tallest point called Mount Parkowa (362 metres above sea level).

The most notable attractions here include the Historical Museum located in a castle. The Museum holds Poland’s most valuable assemblage of icons and the largest collection of works by the renowned artist, Zdzisław Beksiński. A unique landmark here is the Museum of Rural Architecture, an outdoors exposition comprising an area of 38 hectares. It presents heritage of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland. The exhibits on display include wooden buildings brought here from the Bieszczady and Low Beskid Mountains. The oldest religious structure here is a Gothic church from Bączal Dolny, dating from 1667.

ساعات الجلسات العلاجية

الإثنين - السبت

07:00 23:00

الجلسات العلاجية

التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)


التنقية الصفاقية (غسيل الكلى البريتوني)


برنامج دياڤيرم للعطلات


زراعة الكلى


مرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)


مرضى التهاب الكبد ب


مرضى التهاب الكبد سي


المرافق والخدمات

محطات غسيل الكلى


وجبات ومرطبات


شاشات تلفزيون


واي فاي مجاني


مواصلات مجانية


مواقف مجانية للسيارات


فريق العيادة

Stanisław Dzimira MD

Medical director

Agnieszka Brojek

Clinic manager