Lewisham Dialysis Centre

ساعات العمل اليوم 06:30 - 23:00

عرض ساعات الجلسات العلاجية


University Hospital Lewisham, Lewisham High Street
SE13 6LH لويشام,
المملكة المتحدة

عرض الموقع على الخريطة


+44 (0) 208 699 7330

البريد الإلكتروني


المرافق والخدمات العلاجية الرئيسية

  • التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)
  • وجبات ومرطبات
الوصول إلى العيادة

الإتجاهات من

معذرةً، لم نتمكن من تحديث تفاصيل المسافة
استخدم مخطط جوجل للرحلة

عن العيادة

At Diaverum, we offer our patients consistently high standards of care in every one of our clinics worldwide. Our care excellence delivers superior medical outcomes, based on a highly standardised system of clinical governance and practice. We also know the importance of truly empowering patients, and our empathetic culture ensures a holistic renal care experience, including our d.HOLIDAY programme. This enables patients who wish to travel to do so in full confidence that they can receive Diaverum care, worldwide. Because everyone deserves a fulfilling life.

The new state-of-the-art Lewisham Dialysis Centre opened in 2019 at the University Hospital Lewisham replacing the smaller unit at Forest Hill. Operated in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) the 20- station Unit is accessible, comfortable and friendly.

All stations are equipped with individual TV screens for patient entertainment. We also offer free patient Wi-Fi. You will be served light refreshment while on dialysis. However, you are free to bring your own snack. We play light games and celebrate important dates including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, charity, seasonal and national events with patients. Reading materials are also available.

The Dialysis Centre is open Monday through Saturday, and closed on Sunday, Christmas, New Year Days and Easter.

Please be aware that the Dialysis Centre is a no-smoking dialysis facility. You are not permitted to smoke or use e-cigarettes on Diaverum property.

Lewisham is a lively multicultural neighbourhood and an important transport hub in southeast London. It hosts an exciting nightlife, theatres, art exhibitions and performances. Its much-loved pedestrianised Lewisham Market runs six days a week. With its vibrant mix of people, cultures, numerous attractions, world famous shops, excellent dining, parks, theatres and entertainments great transport links and all tits never-ending sights and sounds , there is something for everyone in the charming and sprawling city of London.

ساعات الجلسات العلاجية

الإثنين - السبت

06:30 23:00

الجلسات العلاجية

التنقية الدموية (غسيل الكلى الدموي)


التنقية الصفاقية (غسيل الكلى البريتوني)


برنامج دياڤيرم للعطلات


زراعة الكلى


مرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)


مرضى التهاب الكبد ب


مرضى التهاب الكبد سي


المرافق والخدمات

محطات غسيل الكلى


وجبات ومرطبات


شاشات تلفزيون


واي فاي مجاني


مواصلات مجانية


مواقف مجانية للسيارات


فريق العيادة

Ruby Shibu

Clinic Manager

Rachale Anne Catipon

Deputy Clinic Manager